The amount of heat that dissipates from your home directly affects your energy bill. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the heating system typically comprises

1. Use curtains to your advantage

Heat can escape through windows—even when they’re shut. While insulating windows is a great option, it’s not always the easiest. Instead, use your curtains to your advantage.

Draw the curtains wide open during the day to let sunlight in to warm your house, and close them at night to prevent warmth from escaping.

DIY Hack: Duct tape clear shower curtains on large windows to prevent heat loss.

2. Clear your radiators

Consider removing any big pieces of furniture that are placed close to your radiator. A sofa located directly in front of a radiator is absorbing a lot of heat, leaving less for the rest of the house.

Also, make sure you don’t have any objects placed on top of the radiator. Any curtains or blinds that cover the heater need to be folded up for proper heat dispersal.

DIY Hack: While nothing should come in contact with the radiator, you can place wall-mounted shelves a few feet above the radiator. This will keep heat from escaping from the top.

3. Maximize insulation

Studies show that nearly 33 percent of heat is lost through the walls. Additionally, 25 percent of heat is lost through an uninsulated roof and 10 percent through the floor.

Placing rugs on the floor will insulate them, leading to decreased heat loss. But insulating walls isn’t as easy—especially if you’re renting out a place. In extreme cases, use blankets to cover large, bare walls. It’s actually a super interesting design choice.

4. Watch out for mini-draughts

Mini-draughts can come from unexpected sources in your house—the letterbox, animal flaps, and even keyholes. Consider adding an extra layer of insulation on them if this is the case.

A major unexpected source of draughts is the garage. The weather-stripping on your garage door might have deteriorated, causing air leaks. In fact, if your garage is attached to the house, then the garage door itself is a big source of heat loss.

house with garage door

If you’re looking to get your garage door repaired or insulated, Easy Fix Garage Door and Gate Service Inc. offers superior garage door repair services in Nashville, TN. We provide efficient and affordable garage door installation solutions to residential and commercial clients all over Nashville, TN.

To make use of our emergency repair services, call us at +1-615-560-8948 or drop a message here.

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